//Common js functions for Van Speyk Watches website - by NetFiesta - v2.0 $(document).ready(function () { var scrolling_by_menu = false; url = History.getState().url.replace(/^.*\/\/[^\/]+/, ''); /* $(document).scroll(function () { if ($(".page:visible").length > 1 && scrolling_by_menu == false) { if ($(document).scrollTop() < 950) $("body").removeClass("bgpos"); else $("body").addClass("bgpos"); } }); */ //Check URL on landing if need to be scrolled to other part then homepage if (url == "/vitesse") gotoDynamicPart("vitesse", null, null, 1500, false); if (url == "/history" || url == "/historie") gotoDynamicPart("history", null, null, 1500, false); if (url == "/collectie" || url == "/collection") gotoCollection("collection", null, null, 1500, true); if (url == "/testimonials" || url == "/ervaringen") gotoDynamicPart("testimonials", null, null, 1500, false); if (url == "/dealers") gotoDynamicPart("dealers", null, null, 1500, false); if (url == "/contact") gotoDynamicPart("contact", null, null, 1500, false); 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(Min 0 & Max 100); animationSpeed: 500, // Slide transition speed (Microsecond) pauseTime: 5000, // How long each slide will show (Microsecond) directionNav: true, // Next & Previous navigation autoPlay: false, // To Enable or Disable the autoplay keyboardNav: true, // To Enable or Disable the keyboard navigation touchNav: true, // To Enable or Disable the touch navigation mouseWheel: false, // To Enable or Disable the mousewheel navigation pauseOnHover: false, // To Enable or Disable the carousel when mouse come over it randomStart: false, // Start on a random slide slidesSpace: '425', // Spaces between slides slidesTopSpace: '-60', // Top Space for the slides timer: 'Pie', // Timer style: "Pie", "360Bar" or "Bar" timerBg: '#fff', // Timer background timerColor: '#000', // Timer color timerOpacity: 0.5, // Timer opacity timerDiameter: 20, // Timer diameter timerPadding: 3, // Timer padding timerStroke: 3, // Timer stroke width timerBarStroke: 1, // Timer Bar stroke width timerBarStrokeColor: '#EEE', // Timer Bar stroke color timerBarStrokeStyle: 'solid', // Timer Bar stroke style timerBarStrokeRadius: 4, // Timer Bar stroke radius onAfterLoad: function () { carrouselloaded = true; } // Triggers when carousel has loaded }); $('#icarousel2').iCarousel({ slides: 5, make3D: false, perspective: 0, animationSpeed: 500, pauseTime: 5000, directionNav: true, autoPlay: false, keyboardNav: true, touchNav: true, mouseWheel: false, pauseOnHover: false, randomStart: false, slidesSpace: '425', slidesTopSpace: '-60', timer: 'Pie', timerBg: '#fff', timerColor: '#000', timerOpacity: 0.5, timerDiameter: 20, timerPadding: 3, timerStroke: 3, timerBarStroke: 1, timerBarStrokeColor: '#EEE', timerBarStrokeStyle: 'solid', timerBarStrokeRadius: 4, onAfterLoad: function () { carrouselloaded = true; } // Triggers when carousel has loaded }); $('#icarousel3').iCarousel({ slides: 5, make3D: false, perspective: 0, animationSpeed: 500, pauseTime: 5000, directionNav: true, autoPlay: false, keyboardNav: true, touchNav: true, mouseWheel: false, pauseOnHover: false, randomStart: false, slidesSpace: '425', slidesTopSpace: '-60', timer: 'Pie', timerBg: '#fff', timerColor: '#000', timerOpacity: 0.5, timerDiameter: 20, timerPadding: 3, timerStroke: 3, timerBarStroke: 1, timerBarStrokeColor: '#EEE', timerBarStrokeStyle: 'solid', timerBarStrokeRadius: 4, onAfterLoad: function () { carrouselloaded = true; 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activateMenuItem($(".lnk_home")); } else { activateMenuItem($("#lnk_" + id)); } } }); }, 350); } function startVitesseItem() { gotoDynamicPart("vitesse", "Van Speyk tijdsponsor Vitesse", "/vitesse", 1500, true); } function startCollectionItem() { gotoCollection("collection", "Van Speyk horloge collectie", "/collectie", 1500, true); } function activateMenuItem(currentitem) { $("menu a").removeClass("active"); currentitem.addClass("active"); } function btEscape(input) { return input.replace("&", "%26").replace("=", "%3D"); } function checkAjaxError(xhr) { alert((xhr.responseText)); } function createAjaxPost(form_id) { var querystring = ""; $("#" + form_id + " input[type=text], #" + form_id + " input[type=hidden]:not(#__VIEWSTATE):not(#__EVENTVALIDATION):not(#__EVENTTARGET):not(#__EVENTARGUMENT):not(#__PREVIOUSPAGE), #" + form_id + " input[type=password]").each(function () { querystring += $(this).attr("name") + "=" + btEscape($(this).val()) + "&"; }); $("#" + form_id + " input[type=radio]:checked").each(function () { querystring += $(this).attr("name") + "=" + $(this).val() + "&"; 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s_btn.attr("disabled", false); s_btn.removeClass("disabled"); } function markErrorField(elm) { do_element = $("#" + elm); if (do_element.is("select")) { $("label[for=" + elm + "]").addClass("errorlabel"); $("#ss_" + elm).addClass("errorfield"); } else { do_element.addClass("errorfield"); do_element.prev("label").addClass("errorlabel"); $("#label_"+elm).addClass("errorlabel"); } //Focus first error element $(".errorfield").eq(0).focus(); } function clearErrors() { $(".errorfield").removeClass("errorfield"); $(".errorlabel").removeClass("errorlabel"); }